Deepkiran Foundation
As a Non-profit organization, the foundation's aim is to give support to the educational well being of children in remote villages of Gujarat , India . In many cases children of these villages have no hope or any chance for even the most rudimentary skills for reading and writing. Schooling is out of reach and in many instances never made a priority by village elders. The foundation's core purpose is to bring material support and show direction by emphasizing education as a village priority. Appropriately named, “DeepKiran” literally means “Rays of light”. It is the foundations wish to provide hope and shed light to a brighter future for the underprivileged. For detail click here -> objects of trust.


Using a hands-on-approach the foundations trustees and officers take interest in every case that merits a chance for making a difference. On-premise circumspection and first hand meetings with those that require attention encompass the distinctive approach for providing the necessary funding and solutions to promote and further children's schooling. To illustrate one example; it was found that the children's education in a certain village was abruptly ended at a specific standard (grade level) due to lack of facility and teaching talent. To remedy this, students upon passing through standards available, were given bicycles to get to another village that did have the means to further their studies. The neighboring village welcomed the children as they were encouraged and given incentives to enroll the new students into their school. The success of this story was made possible by the real hands-on care and regard that the foundations officer's were able to provide. Every case is handled in such a manner.
A meal for a day ... Education for a life time
Feeding & Educating on underprivileged child is not charity, it is our social responsibility
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27000 +


Meals given per day